June 2023 CFL Board Minutes
Meeting of the Board of Trustees of the Coburn Free Library June 15, 2023
Present: Linda Williams, President, James Pritchard, Vice President, David Woodburn, Treasure, Ellen Keough, Secretary, Michael Fenn, Trustee, Meredith Gallaro, Executive Director
Absent: Joseph Pallidino, Trustee, Jason Luke, Trustee, Mike Phelps, Trustee
Approval of April Minutes: Linda Williams moved that the minutes of the April meeting of the Board of Trustees be approved as presented. David Woodburn seconds. All approved.
Financial Report: Account balances have been reconciled to statements for April/May. From Bank Statements as of 5/31/23:
Director Discretionary Fund $ 3,641.28
Line of Credit $ 32,628.15
Regular Checking $ 133,481.39
Endowment Fund $ 750,848.96
Our IRS 990 extension was filed (non-profit tax return). The completed 990 will be filed as it has been completed and reviewed by the Finance Committee. It is to be signed by the Board President and then filed. The Charities Review Bureau accepted the review report and our registration status is current and no longer under review..
Director Report
The Early Literacy Grant in the amount of $750 was reviewed and approved. Furniture required for the Maker Space in the children’s section of the library received and ready to move into place. The Behind the Wall exhibit was well attended during its stay with us. $3,000 of the $6,000 requested for the Rosen Grant has been approved. Adjustments to the summer reading programs will be made accordingly. Calendars for July and August have been prepared and are available on the library website..
Old Business:
New Business:
We continue to experience HVAC issues; our air conditioning units (which limped along last year) are in need of replacement or overhaul. Director will contact vendors for quotes. We are a cooling station for the county.
For July Meeting:
A Lactation Support Policy is required for the Library. A sample has been provided by Finger Lakes. We will read and review for the next meeting. As well, we are to review the updated Sexual Harassment Prevention Policy and make any adjustments required. Current board has completed training for the 2023 Year. Director has inquired if the Board need do more this year. .
The next regular meeting of the Board of Trustees: Thursday, July 20, 2023 at 1 PM.
Respectfully submitted, Ellen C. Keough